Medinat Malefakis
11 Beiträge
Follow Medinat Malefakis, as she chronicles the lived experience of a Nigerian living in Switzerland. With a mixture of humour, satire, story-telling and metaphorical symbolism, Medinat’s monthly highlights will reveal to you Switzerland and the Swiss in ways you never knew, never imagined, or never noticed. She is after all living her new Swiss life the Nigerian (naija) way.
Sex Work in Nigeria and Switzerland: The Clashing Nuances
Our columnist couldn't believe it, when she found out that sex work is legal and regulated in Switzerland. She wonders, if it is therefore free from taboo – or it just seems that way.
Swiss public service: Efficiency meets courtesy
What are they serving Swiss public service workers in their morning coffee? They are way too cheerful, our columnist finds.
‘Soft Life’: Being a Pet in Switzerland
Do you want a Swiss passport? If you're a human, this will take years. Not if you're a dog, however: They are being treated like the crème de la crème in this country, our columnist finds.
No one trusts the Swiss – but they trust each other
The Swiss seem to trust each other blindly, our columnist finds. How come?
Are Swiss People Racist?
Hospitals, trains, banks: Our columnist experienced racism at different places in Switzerland. One incident at the swimming pool made her think about a question she is being asked a lot.
The Swiss Stare
Guess what is not neutral about some Swiss people? Their stare. Our columnist lists four types of typical Swiss Stares.
Showing off? That can never be Swiss!
Legend has it that 2 percent of the Swiss population are ‘dollar millionaires’ - about 185'000 people. This is a lot for a country with a population of almost 9 million people! Imagine how many naira millionaires and billionaires there are subsequently.
Ignoring celebrities is the Swiss way
If you see a celebrity walking on the street - don't go up to them. Unless you want to get the famous Swiss stare.
It is not you — it is the Swiss in you!
Have you recently been oddly annoyed about a delayed tram? That must be the Swiss in you! Worry not, our columnist Medinat is here to help.
Too posh to be public
The day columnist Medinat Malefakis arrived in Switzerland, she "trammed" her way into the city. The artificial politness of the driver's speeches was a shock.